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How to Choose Heating Pad for Back Pain: Far Infrared vs. Electric Heat Mats

There’s no doubt that using a heating pad for back pain is the best way to common back pain relief – without medicines. But why are far infrared heating pads more expensive than traditional electric heating pads? Do they relieve pain in a better way? for longer duration? Let’s take a look at the (major) differences between the commonly used electric heating pad and far-infrared heating pad, to help you make the best choice.

Heating Pad for Back Pain – Electric vs. Infrared

Electric Heating Pads Carefit Infrared Heating Pads
Heat via Normal Heating Wires Carbon fibers, Jade stones, Amethyst Stones
Tourmaline stones, Agate Stones, Aventurine etc
Heat Penetration 2-3 mm up to 10 cm
EMF radiation High Very Low
Pain Relief Until you turn it off Up to 10 hours after treatment

The “regular” heating pad for back pain that you can get from your local stores uses electricity to heat. This type of heat penetrates only upto 2-3 mm and basically only warms your skin (and in some cases burns it). The heat never reaches deep into your body muscles, tissues or organs. This is exactly why any pain relief you feel disappears the minute your pad is shut off.

Infrared Heating Pad vs Electric Heat Mat

On the other hand, the far-infrared heating pad uses natural stones, or carbon fibers to emit far infrared rays, which penetrate much deeper into your body – all the way to your muscles, nerves and bones.

Using a far-infrared heating pad for about 30-40 minutes can get you up to 10 hours of back pain relief – without any medication. Plus, the deep penetrating infrared rays do not only relieve your pain, they actually increase blood circulation in your muscles and help your body HEAL the injured area – faster.

Safety of Electric Heating Pads vs. Infrared

Infrared rays are a part of the Sun’s invisible spectrum. It can’t be seen but it can be felt as heat. They can’t burn you and are 100% safe for all living things.

Far infrared heating pads do not emit UV radiation at all. It is so safe in fact, that Far Infrared heat is used in many neonatal units.

Electric heating pads, on the other hand, produce something else other than heat. They produce an electromagnetic field (EMF). All electric devices produce electromagnetic fields and by now most of us know how dangerous EMF radiation can be. This is why you should not live in a house near high voltage power lines. According to the EPA, these fields have been linked to leukemia, lymphomas and other types of cancer.

If that’s not enough, just ask around and you will learn how many people have suffered skin burns caused by their normal electric heating pad.

Electric Heating Pad vs. FIR Heating

While an electric heating pad has no health benefits other than temporarily heating of your skin, the Journal of American Medical has published a list of the health benefits of far infrared therapy:

  • Long-lasting pain relief
  • Reduction of arthritis pain
  • Increasing of blood circulation (promoting a faster recovery and cleansing of your whole body)
  •  Helps to detoxify your body
  • Improves energy levels
  • Work as a Immunity Booster
  • Improves range of motion
  • Promotes stress relief and relaxation Reduction in pain

Where Can You Get a Far Infrared Heating Pad?

You can use the healing benefits of far-infrared heat in the comfort of your own home.

All you have to do is find a high-quality infrared jade pad or infrared tourmaline heating pad or Latest Photo-Solitaire Heat Mat with ETS & TENS, at the size that fits you most (according to your body type).

So, What do you think? Are infrared pads better than electric pads for your health and happiness?

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